
                  Mens Shed Group at Everyday Classics

                                An introduction to the Everyday Classics Shed group.

The Men’s Shed concept started in Australia around 1999 as a ‘grassroots’ community activities that come about in response to shared needs. These have mostly been for men to access tools, workbenches, skills and opportunities to make and mend in the company of others, but in addition to practical benefits, there are mental and wellness benefits of getting together socially with like minded individuals to share skills, experiences and a cup of tea.

In the UK, support is provided by the UK Men’s Sheds Association (UKMSA) registered charity number 1162409, who regard a Shed as the group, whether or not it has a base for activity.

Everyday Classics is starting a Shed group for individuals with a shared interest in classic cars and bikes, their care and renovation. Based in Great Barton, the group plan to meet one day a week where individuals can undertake restoration work on a variety of classic cars and bikes and have access to tools, skills and experience in their own projects as well.

The Everyday Classics Shed will bring health benefits by encouraging physical and mental activity, and improved wellbeing by providing an enjoyable way to stay socially integrated in local communities, by being creative, and learning or passing on skills.

If that all sounds a bit too daunting, the Shed will also provide a forum space to just chat and discuss over a cup of tea. - Ideal for those just wanting to get out and socialise with like minded individuals

If you would like more information, please use the contact form on the right or email

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